Competition Carving Categories
Note: Enter only the Category Letter and Number on the Registration Entry form.
** Print Category list **
Section A - Marsh Ducks (Floating, Decorative, Life-size)
Section B - Diving Ducks (Floating, Decorative, Life-size)
Section C - Geese & Other Waterfowl (Decorative, Life-size, Floating)
Section D - Seabirds (Decorative Life-size)
Section E - Game Birds (Decorative, Life-size) (includes full body waterfowl and non-floating decorative
Section F - Birds of Prey
Section G - Song Birds (Decorative, Life-size)(under 8" measured from tip of beak to end of tail)
Section H - Shorebirds and Waders (Decorative, Life-size)
Section I - Other Wildlife (- Fish, Insects, etc.)
Section J - Mammals/Reptiles
Section K - Interpretive Wood & Natural Finish Carvings
Section L - Gunners
Section M - Miniature Waterfowl
Section N - Waterfowl - Non-Floating
All Other Carving Types:
Section U - Caricatures
Section N - Waterfowl - Non-Floating